Melita quadridentata Yamato 1990


節足動物門 甲殻亜門 軟甲綱 フクロエビ上目 端脚目 Senticaudata メリタヨコエビ科

male BL 10.4 mm
intertidal zone, under gravel
river mouth rocky shore, Okitsu Beach, Katsuura, Chiba, Japan
collected by Kazuyuki Yamada, 09 May 2013

Melita quadridentata ヨツハメリタヨコエビ Yamato 1990 157-164 figs.6-10, Ishimaru 1994 51.

  下江府島 Shimoebu Islet 12m,粗砂貝殻底,シルトの堆積した転石下, 広島県尾道市向島町(Yamato 1990).

30 May 2013

  1. Ishimaru, Shin-ichi 1994 A catalogue of gammaridean and ingolfiellidean Amphipoda recorded from the vicinity of Japan. Report of the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University, (24): 29-86.
  2. Yamato, Shigeyuki 1990 Two new species of the genus Melita (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from shallow waters of the Seto Inland Sea of Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 34(4/6): 149-165.